Monday, 10 August 2009

"It always blows in Largs..." Just not today

"It always blows in Largs..."  We heard that a lot today.  After waking to a dreary, rainy morning with some early breeze, the Scottish weather gods threw us for a loop.  Out of the gloom over the mountains... sun, and lots of it!  

After 4 hours with the cat in the hat flag flying (well, hanging) the organizers made the right decision to call the day.  Much of Team USA had anticipated the move, and were treated to a ride across the bay to a beach for some serious swimming and lunch.  Stefan Johansson was the master of ceremonies aboard his 30' 400hp RIB, and made sure no one aboard was board on the journey!

Once the RIB crew returned, we decamped from the venue and back at the Seamill Hydro hotel (Team USA's home away from home) we saw how the weather really can change from town to town here.  Just 6 miles from still-as-a-mill-pond Largs, we found 8-10 knots in the bay off the hotel!  As I type sitting on the front lawn it is almost 80 degrees, sunny and breezy with views that seem to almost allow a glimpse of Ireland.   

As the day winds down with most of the team in the Hydro's pool and we get ready for our second team dinner, Scotland continues to surprise... what a fantastic place.

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